Tribal Groups in India
Tribal groups in India constitute 8.61% of the total population of the country, numbering 104.28 million (2011 Census) and cover about 15% of the country’s area. The Constitution of India, Article 366 defines Scheduled Tribes as “such tribes or tribal communities or part of or groups within such tribes or tribal communities as are deemed under Article 342 to the scheduled Tribes (STs) for the purposes of this Constitution”. In Article 342, the procedure to be followed for specification of a scheduled tribe is prescribed. However, it does not contain the criterion for the specification of tribal groups in India. The term “Scheduled Tribes” refers to specific indigenous peoples whose status is acknowledged to some formal degree by national legislation. A total of 645 tribal groups in India are classified as Scheduled Tribes. Madhya Pradesh has the largest number of Scheduled Tribes followed by Bihar. Bastar district of Madhya Pradesh consists of largest number of Scheduled Tribes.
The list of important tribal groups in India is given below
- Abors: Arunachal Pradesh
- Aptanis: Arunachal Pradesh
- Badagas: Nilgiri (TN)
- Baiga: Madhya Pradesh
- Bhils: Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, some in Gujarat and Maharashtra
- Bhot: Himachal Pradesh
- Bhotias: Garhwal and Kumaon regions of U. P.
- Chakma: Tripura
- Chenchus: Andhra Pradesh, Orissa
- Gaddis: Himachal Pradesh
- Garos: Meghalaya
- Gonds: Madhya Pradesh. Also in Bihar, Orissa and A.P.
- Gujjars: Himachal Pradesh
- Jarawas: Little Andamans
- Khas: Jaunsar-Babar area in U.P.
- Khasis: Assam, Meghalaya
- Kol: Madhya Pradesh
- Kotas: Nilgiri (Tamil Nadu)
- Kuki: Manipur
- Lepchas: Sikkim
- Lushais: Mizoram
- Murias: Bastar (Madhya Pradesh)
- Mikirs: Assam
- Mundas: Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal
- Nagas (Angami, Sema, Ao, Tangkul, Lahora): Nagaland, some in Assam and NEFA region.
- Oarons (also called Kurukh): Bihar, Orissa and West Bengal.
- Onges: Andaman and Nicobar islands
- Santals: Birbhum region in Bengal, Hazaribagh, Purnea in Bihar, Orissa
- Sentinelese: Sentinel Island, Andaman and Nicobar
- Shompens: Andaman and Nicobar
- Todas: Nilgiri (Tamil Nadu)
- Uralis: Kerala
- Warlis: Maharashtra